Dan the Man,

And it was true, Dan was the man. He made us all proud to be Loyola Dons. He always had a good thing to say about everyone. I was completely shocked when I heard the news, just about fell over. The once unbeatable soul to live the earth was now gone. How could this be so, can we find these evil forces and destroy them now.

God I wish I could just hear him speak again, remember all those speaches that got our spirits up. I guess we all need each other now to remember what a great guy he was. What happened? I along with everyone else thought he was going to be the President of the United States. Well he will still be remembered as one of the most honerable people to know. He made a name for us through all the years of Loyola and I will never forget that. If you asked me today I would say Dan was one of the greatest heros that ever lived, he sacrificed his life to let us live.

It makes me hold my wife and children very tight at night and made me realize that we have to live every day to the fullest, Live the Fourth, make everything count and always God Bless America!!!! I am so glad that all of us still have a brotherhood (THE DONS) together and Dan will be with us every day from now on. And to the McNeal family, I am so sorry for what has happened, you had an unbelievable son, brother, that you should always be proud of. To us he was a brother too, and you can see that through the many letters that are coming in. WE ARE THE DONS, WE ARE THE USA AND NOW IT IS TIME TO KICK SOME ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please let me know if there is anything else I can do.

Your fellow Don,
Mickey Kunkowski

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